Pre-School and Elementary School
The Catholic School of Visalia, George McCann Memorial Campus, offers a quality Catholic Education. The academic subjects in Junior Kindergarten through 5th Grade are Math, English-Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. The curriculum is aligned with the Diocesan Curriculum Guidelines which incorporates the common core standards. Catholic faith formation is taught at all grade levels and Catholic values are infused throughout the academic curriculum. Each student has access to use the technology lab, participate in community service, cultural field trips, music, PE and art docent programs.
Middle School
The Middle School at George McCann includes grade 6, 7, and 8. In addition to core academics, all students have the opportunity to participate in sports, student council, a variety of essay and speech contests, middle school dances, altar serving, the Spelling Bee, Battle of the Books, Academic Decathlon, Fatima, several community service partnerships, and field trips. Elective courses are offered each semester to enrich the student’s academic program. They can further explore areas of interest with experts in that field. In addition, students attend computer, music, library, P.E. and art class on a weekly basis. Math classes in grades 7 and 8 are leveled. Mass is attended weekly by all middle school students.
Standardized Testing Information
The Catholic School of Visalia, George McCann Memorial Campus uses the STAR Assessments for standardized testing as directed by the Diocese of Fresno. STAR assessments provide valid, reliable, actionable data that empowers educators to focus on what matters most-individualizing instruction to accelerate learning for all students.
STAR assessment include skills-based test items and in-depth reports for screening, instructional planning progress monitoring and standards benchmarking. Educators have immediate access to skill-specific actionable data to target instruction.
STAR testing enables the school to identify the continuum of concepts, strategies, behaviors and skills students develop as they progress through increasingly sophisticated levels of understanding to meet grade-level expectations. Teachers use these learning progressions to help plan instruction for all students